LABMICO (coordinator: Prof. Dr. PD Vildes M Scussel)
Food Science And Technology Department
Center of Agricultural Sciences
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Florianóplis, SC, Brazil
meeting | country | date |
5 th International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight | Costao do Santinho, Florianopolis, Brasil | 6th-10th, April, 2016 |
Congresso Brasileiro de Nutrição Animal - PET | Campinas, SP, Brazil | 15th-17th, April, 2016 |
Avesui | Florianópolis, SC, Brazil | 2th-6th, May, 2016 |
38th Mycotoxin Workshop | Berlim, Germany | 2th-4th, May, 2016 |
2nd International Conference on Food Properties (ICFP2016) | Bangkok, Thayland | 31th-2th, June, 2016 |
2nd International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures | Londres, England | 6th-8th, June, 2016 |
5th International Conference on Agriculture & Horticulture | Cape of Good Hope, South Africa | 27th-29th, June, 2016 |
VII Simpósio Sul de Pós-colheita de Grãos | Erechim, RS, Brazil | 6th-8th, June, 2016 |
CONBEA | Florianopolis, SC, Brazil | 28th-30th, June, 2016 |
International Conference on Food Microbiology | Birmingham, England | 24th-28th, July, 2016 |
11th Global Summit on Food and Beverages | Las Vegas, USA | 22th-24th, August, 2016 |
XXIII Congresso Latinoamericano y Argentino de Microbiología 2016 | Rosario, Santafé, Argentine | 26th-30th, September, 2016 |
IX Simpósio Paranaense de Pós-colheita de Grãos | Campo Mourao, PR, Brazil | 19th-21th, October, 2016 |
Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos | Gramado, RS, Brazil | 24th-27th, October, 2016 |
4th European Food Safety and Standards Conference | Valencia, Spain | 24th-26th, October, 2016 |
VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Micologia | Florianopolis, SC, Brazil | 3th-6th, October, 2016 |
10th International Conf. Controlled Atmosphere Storage & Fumigation | New Delhi, India | 07th-11th, November, 2016 |
5th Global Food Safety Conference | San Antonio, USA | 5th-7th, December, 2016 |
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